sábado, 20 de março de 2010

Dear John.

I'm looking forward to see this movie:

The notebook - Review

Based on a best-selling novel by Nicholas Sparks, this is a film about the life of a young couple who met as a teenager and lived together until the post World War 2. All the drama surrounding this moving story is told by an old man to a woman who is in a nursing home. This lady has alzheimer and he visits her regularly to read the mystery that is their memoir. This couple is nothing less than the couple who lived a summer love and this book tells the love story. He tells her the same story every day, and there's times she remembers the past, but forget about it the next second. At the end of another day, the movie reveals himself into a profound love.

sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2010

English II ! here we go!

quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2009


Quinta dos Prados
26th October 2009

The Editor
Jornal de Notícias

Dear Jornal de Notícias Editor,
I'm Writting to you to ask you if you can give me some information about the software that you use in your productions, the layout page software and communications data systems. I'll be gratefull if you could help me with your wisdom.
Thank you very much.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,

Joana Basto

Who am I?

Hi! My name is Joana Basto.
I am a student and my course is communication and multimedia.
I was born in Lamego but I'm living in Cabeceiras de Basto.
I like to laugh, to be with my friends and have fun.
This is my space for English discipline!

Be Welcome! :)